Our Vision: To see ALL generations believe in sustainable development and take action

We are on a mission to deliver G17Eco, a global ‘Sustainability Data, Finance and Solutions Exchange’. Onboarding G17Eco is like coming into a sustainability gym, we aim to help you fast track to social, economic and environmental peak performance and holistic well-being.

The Problem

Businesses, Governments, Civil Society and Citizens around the world have been struggling to find a common solution to the challenge of building a sustainable planet. We have identified four significant issues stifling our ability to deliver against the global goals:

1) Every stakeholder is finding it hard to define and align to purpose

2) No one can execute their mapping, monitoring, measuring, managing and marketing of their sustainability performance end to end

3) No one can access trusted, comparable and timely data

4) No one can measure impact

Our Offering

G17Eco is a partnership-driven ecosystem platform that helps any organisation and nation map, monitor, measure, manage and market their sustainability performance end to end, and the ability to share data directly with their internal and external stakeholders from one interoperable platform.

We support G17Eco members with:

  • Sustainability Education, Training and Accreditation
  • Sustainability and Technology Consultancy
  • Digital Reporting Tools including Company Tracker, Portfolio Tracker, Materiality Assessment, Carbon Calculators and Assurance Trackers
  • Gain access to a global Rewards Marketplace with greater discounts to sustainable solutions and finance

On G17Eco, WWG has developed a number of solutions:

The Company Tracker App

A digital monitoring, reporting and verification tool that has streamlined and standardised sustainability reporting. It significantly reduces the burden of data collection, processing, dissemination and aggregation, to help your company fast track to peak performance.

Company Tracker is literally and acronymically SIMPLE (Strategic, Interconnected, Meaningful, Purposeful, Longterm, Educative). The App is available for ALL sizes of company. All your stakeholders whether suppliers, board members, assurers, rating agencies, investors, partners and consumers can all be on one interoperable platform sharing information and communicating effectively and efficiently with each other.


Company Tracker is the scalable sustainability solution that grows with your reporting needs and the size and complexity of your organisation.

Significantly reduce the burden of data collection, processing, dissemination, aggregation and verification to help your company fast track to peak performance and sustainability impact.

Our Company Tracker Pro plan harmonises all the major globally recognised sustainability standards, frameworks and regulations into a single digital taxonomy. 

Streamline and standardise your sustainability reporting end to end and share easily with key stakeholders in real time. Choose from over 3,000 metrics from global standards and frameworks including SDGs, GRI, UNGC, SASB and TCFD.

Our Company Tracker Standard plan is a digital survey designed for companies starting their sustainability journey. Quickly gain an understanding of impact and track non-financial reporting. Identify in real time where you are performing highest, as well as risks and vulnerabilities.

Whether you are just starting your sustainability journey or looking to further excel in your reporting, discover how Company Tracker plans can help you

The Portfolio Tracker App

Portfolio Tracker logo.png

Portfolio Tracker is an interoperable platform where all stakeholders, companies (large, SMEs, private and public), standard setters, and investors are communicating in a standardised way for strategic decision making.

Know where to invest, divest, manage risk and create sustainable solutions with one golden source of real-time data.

Our Clients

Richard Snow, CFO of finnCap

I’m a strong supporter of Company Tracker (on G17Eco). I recognise it can seem daunting for an SME to collect sustainability data but Company Tracker is simple to use. Working alongside our ESG Committee, we selected 4 SDGs which align with our business and focused on answering questions where we can make a difference - knowing that if we start monitoring, change will follow.  There is the flexibility we need for us to create different levels of access for employees, investors and the Board as we develop into the future.  It's also useful to have a centralised hub of all of our sustainability reporting, and clear stats on how we're doing.

Shane Guha Thakurta, General Manager, Investor Relations & Sustainability at IJM Corporation Berhad

"WWG has been a key partner in IJM’s sustainability data digitalisation efforts. Since commencing the engagement, the WWG team has been very attentive to our needs - from the set-up phase right up to when we are now using the platform. WWG’s unique selling point was its G17Eco platform's robust taxonomy that enabled us to measure and better align our contributions to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Furthermore, the blockchain technology used allows for this mapping to be scaled across our value chain in Malaysia and India, while providing our other stakeholders from around the world access to our impacts once we published them."

Herry Cho, Head of Sustainability and Sustainable Finance, SGX Group

We are delighted to collaborate with World Wide Generation in creating SGX ESGenome, a digital solution to streamline the sustainability disclosure process and enhance access for investors to ESG data. We are excited for SGX Group to take the lead in helping companies and investors unlock the value of ESG data so that capital can be deployed effectively

Joanne Ballard, ESG Strategy and Compliance Director, Maintel UK Ltd.

Company Tracker Pro is a potent tool. When I answer questions and input data, and it flashes up that you've input X per cent towards this particular target or goal, it makes you feel terrific. You can see that you're doing good. You've got all the evidence there for standardised reporting.

Marisa Jansen van Vuuren, Senior Vice President: Brand and Major Programmes, NTT

We met the team from World Wide Generation and really bought into their vision of championing change in streamlining and standardising sustainability reporting. The passion the team have for mobilising global networks through G17Eco is infectious and we are keen to support this movement. The Company Tracker will help us pull together the data we need to make informed decisions about the impact we are making as a business and where we can do more to deliver action for the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Richard Snow, CFO of finnCap

I’m a strong supporter of Company Tracker (on G17Eco). I recognise it can seem daunting for an SME to collect sustainability data but Company Tracker is simple to use. Working alongside our ESG Committee, we selected 4 SDGs which align with our business and focused on answering questions where we can make a difference - knowing that if we start monitoring, change will follow.  There is the flexibility we need for us to create different levels of access for employees, investors and the Board as we develop into the future.  It's also useful to have a centralised hub of all of our sustainability reporting, and clear stats on how we're doing.

Shane Guha Thakurta, General Manager, Investor Relations & Sustainability at IJM Corporation Berhad

"WWG has been a key partner in IJM’s sustainability data digitalisation efforts. Since commencing the engagement, the WWG team has been very attentive to our needs - from the set-up phase right up to when we are now using the platform. WWG’s unique selling point was its G17Eco platform's robust taxonomy that enabled us to measure and better align our contributions to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Furthermore, the blockchain technology used allows for this mapping to be scaled across our value chain in Malaysia and India, while providing our other stakeholders from around the world access to our impacts once we published them."

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